
Dragon Eggs!

Today we read some of our favorite dragon story books such as The Story Book Knight by Helen Docherty  & Thomas Docherty, Dragon Was Terrible by Kelly DiPucchio, Me and My Dragon by David Biedrzycki, and There Was an Old Dragon Who Swallowed a Knight by Penny Parker Klostermann.


All of these books were such a delight to read and beautifully illustrated. Both Weston and Finn loved reading about dragons and afterward I had a fun project for them to do that I had been saving for the right moment. Awhile ago I had come across beautifully decorated dragon eggs on Pinterest and I thought how neat are these! They were posted by blogger adventure-in-a-box I decided I had to make these with the boys and today had been the perfect day after reading all of those dragon books!



  • Crayola Air-Dry Clay
  • Food Coloring 
  • Tin Foil
  • Beads/Rhinestones/Sea Shells
  1. Make the base of your egg using tin foil.  If you have a hard time shaping your tinfoil into an egg shape, the you can use an actual plastic Easter egg instead of tinfoil (make sure you tape egg closed other wise it’ll pop open when pushing beads in clay). This is also an easier way to do it if you want to hide a little dragon figure inside your egg. We used both tinfoil and plastic based dragon eggs.
  2. Take a handful of clay and roll out to about a 1/2″thick (needs to be thick enough for when decorating with beads, shells, &a etc.) and place around your egg-shaped tinfoil or your plastic egg.
  3. Take your food coloring of choice and with a paint brush paint your egg, you can even use water-color paints.
  4. Now all that’s left is to decorate it! Use beads, buttons, rhinestones, or shells to jazz them up.
  5. Let you eggs for about 24 hours and WA-LA! You have made a beautiful dragon egg!

As as always thanks so much for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed this fun dragon egg project which was inspired by adventure-in-a-box


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